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Variable-interest entity 可变利益实体

2014年08月22日 12:10 来源于 财新网
正值阿里巴巴紧锣密鼓筹备上市,为了绕过政策壁垒,实现海外上市,马云大哥也是煞费苦心。准备采用的“可变利益实体”(VIE)结构千呼万唤始出来, 多达四层的结构让人看得云里雾里。有人说这只是“君子协议”,经不起风吹草动,而前不久的一份美国报告也特意提醒海外股东VIE的风险问题。

Variable-interest entity 可变利益实体

A variable-interest entity, or VIE, is a complex corporate structure used by Chinese companies since 2000 to circumvent restrictions on foreign investment in the Internet industry. With a VIE structure, shareholders of a company’s stock listed outside China don’t actually own the Chinese company, but rather own shares in a holding company that has rights to all of the Chinese company’s profits and responsibility for all of its losses, as well as ownership of any assets not prohibited by investment restrictions. The structure is controversial, in part because the Chinese company remains owned by its founders or executives, who could break the profit-transfer agreements. If that happens, foreign investors would be stuck relying on Chinese courts to enforce the broken contracts.


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