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Inclusive Finance 普惠金融

2014年05月19日 15:21 来源于 财新网

Inclusive Finance 普惠金融

Inclusive finance refers to the principle of expanding access to affordable financial services to all individuals and businesses, especially to low income households, rural residents and micro-and-small businesses. Inclusive finance comprises a wide range of financial products and services, including savings, credit, insurance and payments. One form of inclusive finance is microfinance, where a small amount of money is loaned out to individuals and families at low interest rates. The United Nations began using the definition in 2006. In China, the concept gained attention after it appeared in the decision of the Communist Party’s third plenum in November last year as a priority for rural development. The Internet is seen as a new force in pushing inclusive finance. E-investment, peer-to-peer lending and crowd-funding have lowered the barrier to financial services.


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