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Crowdsourcing 众包

2014年05月13日 12:10 来源于 财新网
马航 370 失联进入第 11 天,台湾东森新闻网称台湾大学生谢孟修根据网络卫星照片,发现疑似失联客机。除了他,还有百万名来自不同国家、互不相识的网友,自愿24小时轮番上阵,“地毯式”搜寻每一寸飞机可能经过的土地。让这一切成为可能的正是众包。何为众包,你想加入众包搜救队吗?

Crowdsourcing 众包

Crowdsourcing is the practice of getting a large group of people, who are often strangers, to help complete a task. The process starts by dividing the task into small portions and distributing them to internet users who are willing to help. Combining each user’s results allows an otherwise daunting job to be finished quickly. Suitable tasks for crowdsourcing are often tedious but require little professional training. Combing satellite images to find an object, for example, can be impossible for a company with limited manpower, but not so if hundreds of thousands of people work on it. With the missing Malaysian Airlines flight, many net users have volunteered to help find the plane by scouring the satellite photos provided by a U.S. company, which cover the waters where the plane was last heard from.


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